I have created a dashboard which can display the same type of information about different objects when they are selected.

Imagine a board that show the 0-60 and top speed of cars, and when you selected that car it would pop up on that board.

I do this by when you push a button it calls a function with calls another function which puts the proper vars to be displayed and those are ran through pointers of the function.


void create_information_display_fastcars(var* 060speed, var* topspeed, var* value)

Now the function works just fine and the information displays shows the correct information. Now I want to mod that information. I create a few vars pointers that I want to mod in another function when i push the up and down arrows. However this is where my function starts working.

I took a look at and went along the same lines as this

but I can not get it to work. I thought it might be the digits that displays the number so i put up another to show the actual value of that number without any pointer action but nothing seems to change.

Anyone have any idea?

There is no signature here.