Originally Posted By: Reconnoiter
Maybe expand the 'Basic Shooter' of the Online Tutorial and toy with it somewhat will give you the start you need for this engine. Like alter the movement, camera, add crouch, jump, improve AI, add vegetation, new enemies etc. This way you already have something to build upon, instead of beginning with something totally new.

The more you use the editors, the more you will know what they are good for and what they can be used for.

That's not a bad approach, actually. Yourself, Superku and others have all given good feedback.

I think I'm just accustom to finding a sort of "step by step" getting started that encompasses everything when I check out a new engine. 3DGS is set up a bit more "free form" than that. As long as I understand that, it kinda makes more sense to me, odd as that might sound.

I think working with existing things, building off a tutorial will be a good idea. It'll give me a context to work within, so I understand not only what I'm doing, but why I'm doing it (a key thing for me when I'm learning something new - I'm horrible at learning by memorization).

I did find a few good videos that I could follow online, but their creator seems to have given up on the tutorial end of things and is instead uploading videos of his own project now. So that's unfortunate.

But I'll figure it out. Just need(ed) to get into the right headspace for it.


Last edited by Preypacer; 10/16/12 00:59.