Is there a maximum skin size for the skins you apply to a model in MED? or is there a *recommended* skin size? (IE you can do a 8192x8192 skin, but that large a skin might not be a wise idea?)

Ive been able to generate skin sizes of 2048x2048, 4096x4096, and 8192x8192, and they all seem to work fine. Granted when I make a model with a skin of 8192x8192, it takes the level editor a fair minute to load the game at runtime, but it otherwise appears to work.

I know that the level editor cant handle textures larger than 2048x2048 and a skin size of 8192x8192 is definelty larger than that. Even thoguh i *can* exceed 2048x2048 skin size, is it a wise idea? Are there maybe hidden side effects or problems that im missing at the moment?