Ok, heres the modified shader:

MATERIAL* drakanterrianmat = 
{   skin1 = rock_bmap;
    skin2 = grass_bmap;
    effect = "const float4x4 matWorldViewProj;
              const float4x4 matWorld;
              const float4 vecAmbient;
              const float4 vecSunDir;
              float4 AmbientColor = float4(1, 1, 1, 1);
              float AmbientIntensity = 1.0f;
              float DiffuseIntensity = 1.0f;
              float4 SunColor = {0.9f,0.9f,0.5f,1.0f};
              float Normal_y;
              texture entSkin1;
              texture mtlSkin1;
              texture mtlSkin2;

              sampler ColorMapSampler=sampler_state
              {   Texture = <entSkin1>;
                  AddressU = Clamp;
                  AddressV = Clamp;

              sampler RockMapSampler=sampler_state
              {   Texture = <mtlSkin1>;
                  AddressU = Wrap;
                  AddressV = Wrap;
              sampler GrassMapSampler=sampler_state
              {   Texture = <mtlSkin2>;
                  AddressU = Wrap;
                  AddressV = Wrap;

              struct VS_Input
              {   float4 InPosition   :POSITION;
                  float3 InNormal     :NORMAL;
                  float2 InTexture    :TEXCOORD0;

              struct VS_Output
              {   float4 OutPosition :POSITION;
                  float2 OutTexture  :TEXCOORD0;
                  float3 OutNormal   :TEXCOORD1;
                  float2 OutBlendTex :TEXCOORD2;
              struct PS_Input
              {   float2 InTexture   :TEXCOORD0;
                  float2 InNormal    :TEXCOORD1;
                  float3 InBlendTex  :TEXCOORD2;
              VS_Output vs(VS_Input Input)
              {   VS_Output Output;
                  Output.OutTexture = Input.InTexture*512;
                  Output.OutBlendTex = Input.InTexture;
                  Normal_y = Input.InNormal.y;
                  return Output;

              float4 ps(PS_Input Input) : COLOR0
              {   float4 Ambient = AmbientIntensity*vecAmbient;
                  float4 Diffuse = DiffuseIntensity*saturate(dot(vecSunDir,normalize(Input.InNormal)));
                  float4 Color = tex2D(ColorMapSampler,Input.InBlendTex);
                  float4 GrassTexture = tex2D(GrassMapSampler, Input.InTexture);
                  float4 RockTexture = tex2D(RockMapSampler, Input.InTexture);
                  float4 ReturnTexture = lerp(RockTexture,GrassTexture,Normal_y);
                  Diffuse *= SunColor;
                  return (Ambient+Diffuse)*ReturnTexture;
              technique ApplyTextures
              {   pass P0
                  {   VertexShader = compile vs_2_0 vs();
                      PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 ps();

This does not work at all. If i use "float4 ReturnTexture = lerp(RockTexture,GrassTexture,Input.InNormal.y);" instead, i still have grass climbing halfway up the walls.