hey guys, i realy like to know how i can do a pause after left click couse i have the action swing axe on left click and everytime i press is do it so i can make 20x attacks in 1 second,
please can u help me to get a wait around 0.5 second after i pressed mouse_left till i can do it again? hope u understand my english... thanks!!

var player_weapon = 0;
var player_got_axe = 0;

STRING* key_weapon1 = "1";
STRING* hithole_tga = "hithole.tga"; // the hit hole bitmap

function display_hithole(); // shows the hit hole bitmap
function axt_schlaege(); // creates the bullets

//SOUND* axe_hit_wav = "axe_hit.wav"; // axe sound
//SOUND* gotweapon_wav = "gotweapon.wav"; // this sound is played when the player gets a new weapon

ENTITY* player_axeent = // the axe is created as an entity so that its model doesn't penetrate the walls
type = "chopper.mdl"; // use your own weapon model here
x = 50; // 50 quants ahead of the view, play with this value
y = -20; // 25 quants towards the right side of the screen, play with this value
z = -20; // 30 quants below, play with this value
pan = 210; // axe pan angle (set its tilt, roll, etc if you want to)
tilt = -5;
roll =90;
scale_x = 0.5; // spieler größe ändern
scale_y = 0.7; // spieler größe ändern
scale_z = 0.5; // spieler größe ändern
layer = 20;

action player_axe() // attach this action to your axe model
set (my, PASSABLE); // don't hinder player's movement
while (!player) {wait (1);} // wait until the player is loaded
while (vec_dist (player.x, my.x) > 80 || !key_pressed(18)) // wait until the player has come close to the axe and key e pressed

wait (1);
//snd_play(gotweapon_wav, 80, 0); // play the "got weapon" sound
player_got_axe = 1; // got the axe
wait (-0.5); // wait for 0.5 seconds
player_weapon = 1; // give the player the axe (show the axe entity on the screen)
ent_remove (my); // and then remove the axe from the ground

function player_weapons_startup()
var bob_factor = 0;
VECTOR player1_pos, player2_pos, trace_coords;
on_mouse_left = axt_schlaege; // call this function when the left mouse button is pressed
while (!player) {wait (1);} // wait until the player model is loaded
proc_mode = PROC_LATE; // run this function at the end of the function scheduler list (eliminates jerkiness)
while (1)
vec_set (player1_pos.x, player.x); // store the current position of the player
wait (1); // wait for one frame
vec_set (player2_pos.x, player.x); // get the new position of the player after a frame
if (vec_dist(player2_pos.x, player1_pos.x) > 0 && (key_shift)) // the player has moved during the last frame?
bob_factor += 25 * time_step; // then increase bob_factor
if (player_axeent) // if the pistol was picked up
player_axeent.z += 0.3 * sin(bob_factor); // move the axe up and down as the player moves in the level
player_axeent.x += 0.3 * sin(bob_factor);
player_axeent.y += 0.3 * sin(bob_factor);

if (vec_dist(player2_pos.x, player1_pos.x) > 0 && (!key_shift)) // the player has moved during the last frame?
bob_factor += 25 * time_step; // then increase bob_factor
if (player_axeent) // if the pistol was picked up
player_axeent.z += 0.07 * sin(bob_factor); // move the axe up and down as the player moves in the level
player_axeent.x += 0.07 * sin(bob_factor);
player_axeent.y += 0.07 * sin(bob_factor);

// the key for the first weapon was pressed and we've got the axe right now?
if (player_weapon == 0) // no weapon is selected?
player_axeent.flags2 &= ~SHOW;
if (player_weapon == 1)
player_axeent.flags2 |= SHOW;

var attack_perc = 0;

action axt_schlag()
if (mouse_left ==1)
if (attack_perc <=1 )
attack_perc += 51;
player_axeent.tilt +=60;


if (attack_perc >=1 )
attack_perc -= 51;
player_axeent.tilt -=60;

function axt_schlaege()
if (lebensenergie <= 0) return;
VECTOR trace_coords;
while (mouse_left)
case 0:

case 1:


wait (1);

function display_hithole() // this tiny function pust a hit hole bitmap on the walls
vec_to_angle (my.pan, normal); // orient the hit hole sprite correctly
vec_add(my.x, normal.x); // move the sprite a bit away from the wall
set (my, PASSABLE); // the hit hole bitmap is passable
set (my, TRANSLUCENT); // and transparent
my.ambient = 30;
my.roll = random(360); // has a random roll angle
my.scale_x = 1; // we scale it down
my.scale_y = my.scale_x; // on the x and y axis
wait (-20); // show the hit hole bitmap for 20 seconds
ent_remove (my); // and then remove it

Last edited by JustSid; 11/19/12 08:46. Reason: Added code tags. Sadly it doesn't make it easier to read because there is zero indentation