Hi everybody,

I am totally new to multiplayer but I'm trying to get into it and got the following problem:
after creating a server on my main pc I've tried to join the server session via my notebook. Its a local network. The client's found the session but I couldn't move my entity via w,s,a,d on my client.

- My command line input is: -cl -ip [ip adress],
-cl -ip localhost didn't run (no server found)

- firewalls are turned off
- my code:

- when I start server an client on the same pc, the code works fine!

#include <acknex.h>
#include <default.c>

STRING *messages_str = "#50";
FONT *arial_font = "Arial#14";

TEXT *messages_txt = // displays the messages on the screen
	pos_x = 10;
	pos_y = 10;
	layer = 10;
	font (arial_font);
	string (messages_str);
	flags = SHOW;

//player movement
function move_players()
	while (1) 
		my.x += my.skill1;
		my.y += my.skill2;
		wait (1);

//main funktion
void main() {
	fps_max = 60;
	level_load ("level1.wmb");
	camera.z = 1000;
	camera.tilt = -90;


	//no server or client --> exit game
	if (!connection) {
		str_cpy(messages_str, "Can't find any server. Please try again later.");
		wait (-4);

	//connected as a client
	if (connection == 2) { 
		//client information
		str_cpy(messages_str, "Running as a client");
		str_cat(messages_str, "\nServer IP address: ");
		str_cat(messages_str, server_ip);
		str_cat(messages_str, "\nServer name: ");
		str_cat(messages_str, server_name);
		//init level

		//create player
		my = ent_create ("player.mdl", vector (100, 50, 40), move_players);
		while (1) {
			my.skill1 = 8 * (key_w - key_s) * time_step;
			my.skill2 = 6 * (key_a - key_d) * time_step;
			send_skill (my.skill1, SEND_VEC);
			wait (1);

	//connected as a srever
	if (connection == 3) {
		//server information
		str_cpy(messages_str, "Running as a server");
		str_cat(messages_str, "\nServer IP address: ");
		str_cat(messages_str, server_ip);
		str_cat(messages_str, "\nServer name: ");
		str_cat(messages_str, server_name);

		//init player
		my = ent_create ("player.mdl", vector (-100, -50, 40), move_players);
		while (1) {
			my.skill1 = 8 * (key_w - key_s) * time_step;
			my.skill2 = 6 * (key_a - key_d) * time_step;
			wait (1);

new project in early stage...

Intel Xeon X3450 2,66GHz | Mushkin 8 Gib | Zotac GTS250 + 7300LE | A8.3 com