Telling a person that HE (person himself, not his project) doesn't deserve to take part in this contest isn't rude?

3run, thanks for the clarification. I've read through the post in question again - I believe we're talking this sentence?

To be honest, I don't even think that you deserved to take part in this contest to begin with (let alone even win it).

And I can see what you mean, I believe. It's not exactly clear from this what JustSid meant exactly. You can read it as you did, in which case it'd actually be a personal attack. The way I read it (and given the other replies, the way I believe JustSid also meant it) was in the context of this one entry, that is to say as "I don't even think that your game deserved to take part in this contest to begin with".

So, all things considered, if JustSid had meant it as you read that sentence, then I'd agree with you. Since he hasn't (according to his later clarification), I stand by what I said.

Again, thanks for clarifying. It happens too often that people just angrily storm out and misconceptions like that are never cleared up!

~ ~ ~ ~


You know, I don't argue that you should hand back the prize, or whatever. Though if we're being picky - it is in violation of both rules that are in place:


By submitting your application(s) you declare that:
- You have created all the submitted content, or you have the right to use it and distribute it freely;
- The content can be given freely to all the engine users and / or made available for free at Conitec's websites.

But you know what, fine, whatever. I don't mind you winning this.
What I do mind, however, is your absolute refusal to realize the implications of your actions.
The one sentence that comes closest to an apology or to admitting that you've made a mistake is:

I agreed on the fact that it perhaps should not have been done by me

And, come one.
You perhaps should not have done that?

No. Please.
You definitely shouldn't have done that.
An apology would go a long way.
And immediatly following that up with "I bet others have done it too!" is also not really helping with the impression that, well, you just don't care that you've stolen content, since you got away with it.

It's a shame. Who knows. Maybe part of the reason why I'm so upset is that I'm so surprised that you - someone who's been around for such a long time - would do such a stupid mistake.

Perhaps this post will get me points for originality at least.

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