After digging all the old and dusty posts i found 1 solution offered by a user named snake67 in 2010. Here is his solution...
Its so simple. You leave the A* files as they are, just include them. Then add this pices where you need them:

// define this

#define _path_n skill30
#define PATH_POINT_MAX 20 // or what you want

typedef struct
var x,y,z;

// insert this in actor action

POINT* path_point=malloc(PATH_POINT_MAX*sizeof(POINT));	// allocate buffer to store path points

// scan path to player and copy it in buffer

if(asFindasPath(my.x, player.x))
for(my._path_n=0; asPath.head!=NULL && my._path_n<PATH_POINT_MAX; my._path_n++)
vec_set(path_point[my._path_n].x, asPath.head.pos);

But unfortunately i couldn't understand it.
Does anybody knows how to use it?

Please your answer worths millions for me, i am stuck badly with it.