Ok i don't see any screenshot here is this thread frown

So i'm gonna extend the game until end february and i will put a little simple template and menu for anyone to download.

This template don't have the code on how to manage the level created (by code or in WED or imported in WED from external modeler).
It will just have the essential stuff :
- manage The Guard model running and jumping on platforms.
- check points
- number of retries
- game over / win screen
- menu to start, quit, select a character (red pr blue guard)

You should be able to make some game like that one ( perhaps not as beautifull !) :

So here is some people interested (and not only me ) ?

Let's the contest continue laugh

Special thanks :
- Thanks to MasterQ32, he has given me the code that just works for that style of game laugh
- Thanks to Kartoffel for the great Glow shader

Last edited by ratchet; 01/28/13 13:50.