It's such a great idea but somehow no one's really interested and that ruins all the fun and motivation...
Well people have their own projects, and we are not thousands of people posting in the "Work In Progress" thread also.
I don't know how much people is really active and have a solid game project ? (Dark BAsic have lot lot of programmers projects going on)
Ok i stop to do engines comparison !!
Perhaps the really active people just never go on forums lol laugh

Perhaps at least we will be one or two people posting a plyable game laugh ?

@Random :
It is a swordfight combat minigame
We talked about a platform run game , not fighting one, or perhaps you are mixing them ?


The advantage of the challenge is to have some ready plyabale game to port to Android when it will come on 3DGS.

Last edited by ratchet; 01/28/13 16:12.