@Kartoffel :
Just use the glow shader on spheres and level and you'll have perhaps a solid shining mini game laugh

I thought the same grin

and about the contest(s):

You can also keep away from genres and use tasks like:
- make a game that plays on the moon / on mars
- make a retro-style game
- make a game where this model has a key role (you provide a model, which people have to use as something important in the game)
- make a space game

...just to name a few things I currently have in mind.

Another suggestion for the next contests would be that you create a thread before starting the contest.
The thread can be used to discuss who would like to join the contest, how long it should take (I don't think
one month is always enough, especially if you have a lot of other things to do) and if some people think
the task isn't very good and should be "adjusted" or completely changed

POTATO-MAN saves the day! - Random