This is Dan Silverman. Many of you know me. I've been selected as a Leap Motion developer. If you are not familiar with Leap Motion, then visit their website:

Leap Motion Website

I currently have one of the Leap Motion developer's units and am looking for a programmer who would like to get in on the ground floor developing an application for the Leap Motion device. What we develop will be made available via the Leap Motion app store. Since the device is not yet released to the public, this would be a great opportunity to be one of the first to have an application available.

The Leap Motion SDK allows programming via several languages (C++, C#, Objective C, Java, Python, and JavaScript). So, the right programmer would be well versed in one or more of these languages.

Is this a paying job? Yes and no. I am offering a Joint Venture contract on this one. This means that the developer that wants to work with me on this will split any profit made from the sale of the application 50/50 with me. I will require the programmer to sign both an NDA and a Joint Venture Agreement. Certainly the terms of both can be discussed.

I will, of course, be creating all of the artwork (2D and 3D) that we will need for the project and I have already come up with a few project plans.

If you would like to get in on the ground floor developing for a device that is getting a lot of attention world wide, then contact me and let's talk about how we can make this a reality.

I'm excited about this opportunity. So, who's on board?

Email me at:

daniel (at) enupnion (dot) com