Originally Posted By: 3run
Can I sign from Russia? Or are there only EU citizens are allowed to sign?
It's an EU petition so only inhabitants of the EU may sign it.
Originally Posted By: Carlos3DGS
And if one did it could be considered to be committing "crimes against humanity" or something similar? So they could be forced to revoke their decision, be heavily penalized, or even attacked by the EU/UN or other organization?
Carlos, this is an EU citizen initiative and hence can only influence EU right. If the petition succeeds (it already did with 1.000.000 signs) the EU has to rethink the decision to liberalize the water market. If the content of the petition became legal right the members of the EU had to put this in national right. If they don't legal action can be taken against that country. At the end of such an action there is monetary penalty for that country. As far as I know this is pretty frequent, e.g germany has about 80 of those actions against it because it's laws do not correspond to the EU laws.

Please note that the E.U is not a military alliance. That's the NATO for europe (even if the U.S. are in the NATO as well.) Hence it cannot and will not attack random countries to bring them democracy.

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