@Sivan :
I saw on forums some Mono issues, and other technical ones also.
And there was serious performances issues , like real frame rate drop when a light was added in the scene for example etc ...

Well after reading the post it seems it's MONEY BUSINESS.
Not Free Open Source, wihtout business plans :

I have never wanted to work with investors, because this would mean that the project will be developed mainly for the profit. It was never a my goal. We sell the engine only in order to cover the development cost of NeoAxis and be able to pay for the usual lifestyle costs in the real world
HEuuuu ... welllll ... Who force them to work on this 3D Engine ??
Why should we cover the development of their engine ? Profit is not his goal ?
Why working on something if he don't want profit ? stop working on it , stop selling it, put it on SourceForge in free open source model ??

Still, there is no freeware universal game engine available. I think NeoAxis Game Engine have the potential to take this place.

Euuuu .. why ... ?
Ogre 3D is great with solid sold games (TorchLight 2).He think, there is a place , yes there is place for many open source engines , even Torque 3D.But that don't gaurantee success and popularity !

How much funds are needed to switch to an open source/freeware scheme.
This is about: 200,000 USD. Roughly, these funds will last for 5 years.

He want to put the engine open source, just put it on any server or cloud server , and people will just download it laugh

I prefer to pay and have a complete prooven 3D engine to work with, and no more bad episodes : Torque 3D (99$ episode) , Beyond Virtual (Gamecore).

How these funds will be used:
- Work for merge, commit sources, preparing compiled solid SDK.
- Website support
- Writing documentation
- Making engine example demos
I think a good idea is to use Kickstarter or similar platform in order to get the funding.

He want us to pay him to build a solid engine ? Now we must pay to see tutorials ?
What is website support ? the site runs perfectly from years ... ?
Now we have to pay him to do normal work :
Work for merge, commit sources, preparing compiled solid SDK. : This sis simple standard operations if you have already worked with a CSV system !!
WHAT MEANS PREPARING A SOLID SDK ? Let me laught ... When you have last version you just compile and make the build.

Another idea is to make NeoAxis Foundation
- Share info about getting money from donations
- Share info about how money is used

Ok i understand he needs money, perhaps he have / don't have a job, we will never know.

Neo Axis is not perfect, and have some good stuff, but i don't like some parts of it, and optimisation is not so present right now.
Im' not interested as i have already two or three good engines (including A8) !

Good luck to him.


The more interesting post is this one on the same thread :

- Faster development with many more contributors.
- Code robustness due to many eyes on the code.
- Exposure. It's to be expected a huge surge in NeoAxis usage.
- A good possibility of getting corporate backers.

- No income from licensing.

Things to consider
- The vast majority of FOSS projects have less than 3 regular contributors.
- Nearly all of the popular FOSS projects have corporate backing, meaning employees of companies get paid for supporting and developing projects. In find this article explaining it well why big companies support FOSS: http://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/ ... tterV.html
- Almost everyone working on FOSS projects have other paid jobs.
- Donations are usually very small and only the most popular projects can expect to get a living out of this alone.
- Expect a gazillion forks. This always happens.
- A successful FOSS project need strong leadership and dedicated main contributor(s).

How to make a living from FOSS?
- Doing specific implementations backed by sponsors.
- General sponsors (Companies, Kickstarter, etc.).
- Paid support.
- Donations.
- Important to market oneself, since you're in theory competing with everyone else having access to the source.
- Sell custom modules (will most likely compete with alternative FOSS variants).
- After gaining a lot of popularity, switch to closed source for vastly increased user base (cheesy?). Many will jump ship to a fork.

I think the harder part will be to find dedicaced programmers that will stay long enought.
A Good way to promote the engine, would be indeed a real commercial quality demo.
He should instead keep the selling license system or go on fundation (donation) and instead ask for people or 3D artists to join , work in team and produce some AAA demo.

Last edited by ratchet; 02/21/13 15:55.