For me, when I play a game I'd say 80% - 90% of the enjoyment comes from two key components; Graphics & Story.

A strongly written Storyline is key because it's what pulls us the players into it even farther and make us get attached to a certain character or item or companion, but how that character, item, or companion is represented graphically is just as important if not more so to me. The reason why is because it's a big part of what "allows" you to become attached to your game.

I mean, you can have a game with a great storyline, but if everything is just colored blocks sliding around, the player won't have that connection and affection to the game that is needed for replay value.

I like worlds and characters with a lot of subtle detail because it's what makes that environment feel plausible and real.

So my question is, is what is the BEST graphics you've ever seen using A8 and HOW was it done?

Mine personally, is a video I just came across on YouTube.

I can't speak German though so I don't know what was used to get the results he got, but they seem to be above most of the other stuff I've seen.

I know about LoD and what it does (higher detail, close; lower detail, far) but I figured it's just a technique to keep Framerate high while giving lower end processors a break when in wide open areas of the game world.
Does LoD really make a DRASTIC difference in graphic quality??

Please excuse the noobishness, I'm just trying to get back into the swing of 3DGS and make some quality games! laugh