So, uh, what do you want to talk about?

Because you open with this:


A strongly written Storyline is key because it's what pulls us the players into it even farther and make us get attached to a certain character or item or companion, but how that character, item, or companion is represented graphically is just as important if not more so to me. The reason why is because it's a big part of what "allows" you to become attached to your game.

Which is a statement worthy of discussion. It's always difficult to boil down experiences like that - saying "x % of my enjoyment of this game come from y", since it's all connected. But even so, is it graphics, art style, animation?
So discussing that would be a worthy topic.

Or is it something else you wish to talk about? You're also asking technical questions - should this topic be about techniques to achieve a certain level of graphical fidelity, effects and - of course - how to do all this fast?

Finally, your topic subject asks "What has the best graphics", which, combined with your YouTube-link makes this seem like you want to know which Acknex project looks the best.

All of these can make for good topics, but we should probably focus. So, what's the one you're most interested in?



I mean, you can have a game with a great storyline, but if everything is just colored blocks sliding around, the player won't have that connection and affection to the game that is needed for replay value.

So this is two statements in one. The first being, a certain minimum level of graphics is needed for the player to feel empathy. While this is obviously hugely subjective, may I guide your attention to Thomas Was Alone? It's literally just colored blocks, but there's a whole lot of heart involved. It may just be an example that this can be enough to empathize. And why shouldn't it? Books don't use any pictures, and we can feel for the characters. Imagination is a funny beast.

Also, is a "connection" and "affection" really what increases the Replay value? I'm really not sure about that. I've only played 999 once, and there was a really strong connection to the characters! (It's an amazing game. If you have the chance, play it.)

Perhaps this post will get me points for originality at least.

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