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The game was released for PC, XBox 360 and PS3. It is currently holding a Metacritic average of 94 points (out of 100), which is very good - Metacritic calls that "Universal Acclaim". (The PS3-version only has a Metacritic average of 93 points).

According to Wikipedia, the developer used "procedural generation tools" in order to create the huge amount of content quickly, and the game also features "Radiant A.I.", which makes defining NPC behaviour easier.
The NPC conversations was one of the strongest points of criticism - the (comparatively) low amount of voiced samples made those feel wrong.

Some consider the previous game - Morrowind - to be the better game.
Oblivion's sequel, Skyrim, not only was a commercial success, it also created the "Arrow-to-the-knee"-Meme.

Finally, a word about this. Yeah, this is an experiment. Who knows, maybe I'll do that with other games, too (if we gain something interesting from all this).
I humbly ask not to reveal current poll standing in any of the posts below until the voting period is over, as to not influence potential voters.


Perhaps this post will get me points for originality at least.

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