Truly speaking, I can't say that idea is really great (I'm not meant to offend anyone here), as I don't see anything new in it to call it great. For me, this is just another copy of the shitty "slender" game (unity fans, where are you?), where you need to collect pages in the forest, hospital, prison, labyrinth, school (or fuckever you are). I can't say that the game itself bad (I'm talking about Feaocder now), it's pretty good to start from, as it's still WIP and I guess Random has putted in it a lot of his time and so on, but I wouldn't call the idea behind it great. I can't say that it scared me either (but this is just me.. I never played a scared game yet, but interesting ones instead, without collecting pages/codes/whatever), just walked around in the first versions of it, and couldn't play it longer than 3-5 minutes.

Random@ don't stop the gameplay mechanics on the collection shit stuff.. there are too many "slender" kind of games, where you are stalked by some shitty thing, and trying to scare player by playing loud sounds as soon as you've seen it. Try to tell a small story maybe, or create a new mechanics (this will be harder of course), but please don't think that making those two things I've mentioned above (collect & loud sounds) will make your game enjoyable.. Go on with the ides and gameplay!! Good luck with it so far and I'm waiting for the revenge from your side, as there are too many "unity" horror games already out there wink

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