Originally Posted By: jcl
It is not for system variables, which are stored in a different way.
It works at least for d3d_alpharef.

Originally Posted By: jcl
This should also work for VECTOR structs.
I am not interested into making a global vector, copy the contents of d3d_spotlightcone into it and access it in my shader - because I strongly believe that all official shader variables should be accessible in actual shaders via something like "float3 vecSpotlightcone" or with _var/_flt.

Since because I am working with point and spotlights atm, I only can think of d3d_pointlightfalloff, d3d_spotlightfalloff and d3d_spotlightcone, which aren't supported. But this counts for e.g. detail_size as well. It would be just plain nice if they would be supported as all those other variables.