Hi... (and sorry for my english).

I have problem with STRING* ARRAYs.

I want to create and Array of Strings... for example with player names.
And i have tried with...

STRING* g_player_names[50];
STRING g_player_names[50];
STRING* g_playername_ptr;

and command such as :

g_player_names[1] = str_create("Test_Player");

str_cpy(g_player_names[1], "Test_Player" );

g_playername_ptr = &g_player_names[1];

*g_playername_ptr = "Test_Player";

but nothing... i receive errors - crashed etc...

only with char* i can create-pass a text... but i want to create a STRING ARRAY.

and a second question ... how can i pass this STRING ARRAY to a FUNCTION ???
I Know that ONLY A Pointer we can pass to a function and not an array... but still nothing...

and i have this problems ( pass to function ) and with the STRUCT ARRAYS... not only for STRING Arrays...

Please Help...

Thx all for your help...

Best Regards

(and sorry for my english).