socket example:

The server create one session_open and level_load("level_1") for the control clients and
seccond session_open and level_load("Level_2") with the gameboard... (if it can be done)...

Check session_open and session_connect. It seems like it can be done. But probably not how you think. I can't test it because I have no Pro version.

I am thinking that with one server and many clients maybe have problem with lag... commands... or something...
and i am trying to share the jobs to many server...

for example... : one server for served the clients ( login, ids, gameboard_list ) and one server for one gameboard_table...
(The first server give the ok to clients when ready and create new unic "sub-server" dynamic. The "sub-server" turn off when the game end. The "sub-server" is a new .wmp and .wmb program that created when the main server call it).

So you host the server and sessions, not the clients? How many players do you expect until the capacity of your host computer is reached?

Last edited by lemming; 04/16/13 20:50.