
Try ent_getskin.

really the ent_getskin returns a bmap*. I Need FileName of the Bmap. Sample: "texture.tga"


I think you cannot get the texture file name by ent_getskin only a BMAP*, but c_trace has a flag SCAN_TEXTURE to get texture name that you can read from the resulting hit struct:

hit.texname : char* pointer : name of the hit texture (skin1 or skin2) for models, blocks, or sprites. Terrain has no texture names.

I need for TERRAIN and Models, But I need a different method of the SCAN_TEXTURE.

I use multiple Terrains on the scene and for save the information from each of them I use the following method
for(you = ent_next(NULL); you; you = ent_next(you))
     if(ent_type(you) == 4) 

           //Thi is terrain

this way I can get all the information i need of the all terrains and models in the scene, only do not know a way to get the name of the textures that are in the skins

Please! Use easy words to be translated. because my English is not very good! Grateful.