But your 0.77 is the same thing: 1 / 1.29966 = 0,7694

The pip-cost will fluctuate according to the exchange-rate, internally probably with 5 digit precision, rounded off to 2 digits is what fxcm displays in the platform as pip-cost. Your 0.08 is probably 0.07694 rounded to 2 digits. Its not a value that is arbitrarily set by the broker.

Your link(that describes the behavior of a USD account) actually says that it is fluctuating too. In an USD account xxx/USD pairs have a fixed pip-cost of $1 per pip and minilot. But for example xxx/JPY pairs will hae a fluctuating pip-cost. Consequently in an EUR account, xxx/EUR pairs (that do not exist) would have a fixes pip cost, other paris don't.

Last edited by Purri; 06/01/13 13:35.