Well, it's pretty much hell and all-out civil war(sans fire-arms) over here.

Right now i am at work and there is no thret but i was out in the field in the last 3 days. Tear-gassed, sprayed from police vehicles water mixed with some unknown chemical that burns skin like hell. Police is pretty much going against every law about civil supression.

Normally i am apoilitic, but right now it's beyond anything politic. It's something Turkey has never seen before. People are united themselves not under any political party. People of all beliefs, Turks,Kurds,Leftists,Rightists people that were fighting like enemies months ago are united and they keep flowing to squares and police cannot keep up.

Friday evening tear gas firing rate(edit:link ) at Harbiye was pretty much at their reload speed. Countless tear gas shells were fired most past their expiration date, some other substances other than tear gas was also used but they are not 100% identified yet. They are using extreme power. We did not know Turkey had this much tear-gas, police should have run out days ago.

I am fine for the most part, but this is not over yet

Riots spread to pretty much every major city in Turkey.

police are running like pretty much mad-dogs with no one stopping them:

A house getting tear gassed(roughly about 1km from my place): http://s1.directupload.net/images/130603/ltoyuelt.swf

tear gassed and got caught? that's what happends before you are able to see again:

A civil police car ran over people at ankara(explicipit/gore/blood):

Anonymous is taking down all government sites:

One of the iconic photos of the events a protester waving flag over the road block they built against armored police vehicles:

Trucks helping with roadblock:

People are fighting back with all they got, no weapons no fighting only by the numbers police retreat from area to area but recover and come back.

Not a single politician said anything about this.But that's not the worst part. The WORST part is Turkish media is pretty much showing NOTHING. That's all we need right now, more international media attention, other than that they can dump all the tear gas they have on us, we are fine.

thats CNNTURK(penguin documentary) vs CNN INT(istanbul clashes LIVE):

This is all in the hands of PEOPLE and social media now.

There is alot to add about police crime against humanity, but i am in the middle of a revolution right now so see you later? wink

more here:

Thanks to social media we made our voice heard. There are countless live-streams direct from people's smartphones from everywere. They shut down 3d and cell communication in some places we created our own romaing network by naming all wi-fi routers with the same name and removing passwords(so the phones connect automatically)

btw: Police is beating people death in ankara right now.

Last edited by Quad; 06/03/13 14:37.