Chat-Mapper is quote: "A new, easy to use tool for writing and testing nonlinear dialogue, especially for video games and training. Built from the frustration of trying to use Final Draft, Word, or even Excel to write complex branching dialogue, Chat Mapper was built from the ground up with usability in mind."

It allows you to write and develop the dialogue for your games entire storyline or just the conversation you have with your local merchant. It's written in LUA, but it's not hard to use at all. Over the past week I've developed a pretty awesome Chat Script for a "Potion's Merchant". I was wondering, have any of you guys heard of it or used it before? In my opinion, it seems like a really useful tool if it could be integrated somehow?

Any ideas?

Here's the site if you wanna check it out:

Last edited by ryanhagz; 06/06/13 10:59.