I decided to simple buy "levels" from DEXSOFT (great models by the way).

I have created my own sneak system:

# The visibility of a character depends on many factors.
-light (if the character is in the light or not)
-stance (if the character is standing/ducking, moving or not)
-camouflage (if the character is inside of any plants etc.)

# Noise is also a very imported factor.
-AI turns and walks (if the noise is to loud or is repeated to often at a time)
-Steps and physical objects like boxes and cans make noise (yes you can pick up stuff and throw them to confuse AI)
-different step sounds on different ground typ (also influences the volume of created noises)

However I was asking myself if somebody is interested in a little demo of my sneaking system?
I personally think it works pretty well.
