The problem you are going to have, and already have, is that it's hard to put a language in numbers. Platforms for example is hardly a good measure, if any at all, because a language isn't tied to a platform. It might work better on some platform, but the compiler and runtime is certainly portable to other platforms. Take Quipper for example, a language that is based on Haskell, which is a language for quantum computers, which don't exist yet (despite whatever D-Wave is claiming), yet it also runs on x86 based computers, just exponential slower.
There are lots of booleans though, for example one might ask about the languages type system, GC support, multithreading capabilities, wether it's based on the lambda calculus and so on. But you are going to have a really hard time to put that into comparable numbers.

PS: Sorry if that sounds a bit harsh and doesn't really contribute to the topic, I was just writing my thoughts down.
Edit: You might want to get the current rank of the language from the TIOBE index though, which takes some more measures into account.

Last edited by JustSid; 06/25/13 18:34.

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