
first sry for my english...but i think its better for the results.

I try to make a Pinballgame and use the Physikengine for that. That brings some Problems...and one of them is the Ball.
At my opinion, the Ball is not realistic enough. The Ball ist to heavy. What can i do? My Physic Flipperarm need a much power, to shoot the Ball...this brings other new Problems. Because i need a lighter Ball. So what can i do?

All i know is this:
pXent_setfriction (me,101);
pXent_setdamping (me,50,10);
pXent_setelasticity (me,20);
pXent_setmass(me, 10);

I played a long Time with these Parameters, but never had a ideal result. The Problem is, (bevor you ask) if i give the Flipperarms to much power, the Physikengine donīt work fine. The Arms dont move correct, and the collison donīt work fine to. With less Power, all is fine.

So, this was my first Problem, and the second one is the Z-Axes Jumping of the Ball.
Somtimes the Ball jump out of the Table. Im not sure, but i believe the Frozen_Pos command donīt work here fine. Also i need a bit Z moving, because i plan to build Ramps and other Stuff...
Always if the Ball becomes a high Rotation or Speed, and become a clash, boing* it jumps out.