
I'm Inestical. Or Wutata. Or whatever. I was an active user here few years back.

I'm here to tell you a little story.

When I was a very young teen, I discovered that you could make games yourself. I was awestruck and started finding things to do things with.

Then I discovered 3D GameStudio, which I still use for prototyping and testing game ideas (occasionally completing a small game). I first started using it just about after A6 arrived, so I'm, in a sense, a late addition to the system's userbase.

While doing projects that never amounted to anything and generally just being interested in the editors and doing nothing with them, I was met with another user, called centralnoise. I found out he was also a finnish developer and after some random messaging we started working on a lot of projects, most of which were testing etc. Then we made X-Cube 2, which was awesome, because it was the first ever game I finished. It was featured on our local magazine's website for a week.

Eventually we began working on our own engines, mainly with OpenGL. Centralnoise, being smarter than me, created amazing results in small timeframe, while I dragged behind and tried to keep up. After many iterations we decided to build our own engines.

Needless to say, my project got nowhere. I never managed to do anything with it. Centralnoise's engine got a userbase and awesome websites and cool demos from him and users on youtube.

I went to univesity, during which I worked on my engine and managed to develop a version that worked great, had features including HDR-rendering, 20+ shaders to pick from, simple key-frame animation, universal mesh support, LUA-scripting etc. It wasn't the most usable, had lots of bugs, but I managed to pull off some demos with it.

Then, after many long years I tried to apply to a small game developer studio here in Tampere. For whatever miracle works happened, I got in. After two years and few projects after, they had to let me go due to reasons (which none was an issue with me).

I got into job hunting, and after stressing 3 months, I landed a (so far) secure job as a game programmer on another local game developer studio, 10tons. I've been there for the last 6 months and I have enjoyed every day of work.

Now I'm steadily employed in the game industry, working as a game and platform developer.

Because I wanted to try making games with a software package including model, world and script editors and had a funny sounding engine, Acknex 6


"Yesterday was once today's tomorrow."