Six people got killed(by the police) with that so-called non-lethal force. But situation here calmed down, i guess for good this time. But of course Gezi Park will be remembered and brought up in future similar situations.

Everyone saw just how full of BS all media agencies and all political parties are. People just hope their message is heard by all political and governmental bodies and hope that they will act accordingly in the future. At least they will keep in mind what happened when they are going to do something.

But of course things grown beyond sending a message, i just hope what was accomplished there will not be lost. What accomplished was that people from all ages, and very different world views stood together, side by side. People there stopped prejudging the others and probably for the first time saw that even with all their differences they are in fact in the same boat and they have to work together(Not just in Gezi Park but in every day of their life). And they did. They learned to accept people even if they do not approve their views or ways of life. Of course there are a lot of people who are not and won't be a part of that accomplishment or understand it,the people who were not there or the ones who believe every bs mass-media spoon feeds them.

And for the world media, they played their part for the most of it. But some of them, as you would expect, were BS again. It was completely unrelated to Arab Spring thing. We were not armed, we were not trying to destroy our country by splitting in to two large groups fighting each other. We did not even want to overthrow/replace government. As we seen during the period of the protests, current government is just as bad as any that can be put there. All political parties are full of BS. So what's going to change if you replace it. In a sense this is also valid for places having that "Arab Spring". Go through all that struggle to remove one tyrant king just put another one on the throne.

It was police against people - only police armed with their non-lethal force. As you might have seen government's police did not prevent anything. They just made things worse. And people did not want to fight with police, police brought fight and violence. When there was no police, protests were always begun and ended peacefully. It went on for so long even police started to question what they are doing. People just wanted to be heard. Nothing more.