Oh, nice to see some life signals grin

Ch40zzC0d3r :

I also used it ( at 1.53 newton version ) for an old racing "game". I had problems at high speeds, cars roll very easy, so it was like impossible to achieve a racing speed and roll at high speed turns. I tweaked everything, no sucess in achieve something realistic.
Then I saw a vídeo ( that I dont find anymore ) from the Newton 2.0 and was a Indycar, and the speeds were very high with no roll problem at turns at all.

Sivan :

I second the other ones opinion. PhysX seems to be nice for being built in. But for racing games isnt that nice. Same roll or irreal that I had at Newton 1.53.

I got VeT´s Newton 2.x wrapper, but I´m having a bad time trying to make it work. NO collisions at all, no Physics at all. In the first sample of the wrapper, balls simply fall down and nothing happens. In the map101 ( vehicle ) example, the car also falls, the tyres dont stick to the car, and It gaves me lots of errors.

Thats a lot of time I dont use 3DGS, it´s being hard to understand what´s wrong.

Besides this, I´m thinking about begin using Ogre, thats far far more difficult to use. But I dont know If I will really spend a lot of time on it.

I like the 3DGS thing, and would love to stick with it.

I hope someone with more experience in Newton can help me in some way.