As always, here is my full feature review of all games, in alphabetical order (don't take it personal if I might be too harsh in some cases):

2D First Person Adventure - Game Development Kit + music pack
I think that this would have been a good contest entry if you would have added more functionality to the demo. I just can move around and without any interaction, this “game development kit” is rather useless. This gamestyle is very retro and I am sure that there are people who like this, but I am also very sure that people are better off when they rewrite that system from scratch, because I looked into your code. The music tracks are a nice goodie.

2D Toon Platform Resource Kit + 2D 8-Directional Sprite Pack
Some of the sprites are OK, but this is pack is rather useless, too, because the atlas mapping is missing. While it is OK that you put a character animation into a horizontally aligned file (like “ENEMY+8.bmp”), it is not OK for me, that you put into your “2D Toon Environment Sprite Sheets” or “2D 8-Directional Sprite Pack” images into an atlas without a mapping. I guess you used a tool for that – it would have been nice to point that out and the mapping file.

I remember that George said in his announcement, that you could send in everything, even an Ant-Simulation. Wow, didn’t expected that someone does that actually. I must say that tiny self-running demo is very simple, appealing and great! It was very relaxing and entertaining to see those tiny ants go around and collect the fruits. Very well done!!

MapBuilder 2.2
A very complex strategy game environment editor. It’s handling is rather strange, too, it is very uneasy in my opinion. How am I supposed to rotate things, how can edit models and why can’t I fly-through the scene? I made the experience that I just can add stuff and that I have not much control over it. I also tried to place a map entity and an object on it, but that didn’t worked, too. But in general, it seems that you put lots of time into it and that it’s particular target group (and maybe the reason why you developed it) are strategy game developers. – I hope, that you are indeed making an own game like that, because if you intended to make a multipurpose editor, than you still have a long journey to go. But nevertheless, this thing is very impressive and I wish you the best!

Peragro Beta1
Very nice, thank you very much for making this dll! I didn’t had the chance to test the DLL with my own stuff yet, but I hope it is as easy to use as you say. I just wonder why you used Irrlicht-stuff, because matrix functions are easy to write in Lite-C ;-) are you going to release the source of your DLL? Whatever, it looks like you invested a lot of work into it and this is a very nice contest entry!

Player Code
Well, if I would have submitted “just” a “player code” I would have pushed everything into it that would make a super-freaking-rockin’ legen- wait for it! –dary player code from outer space. But this is lame. Sorry.

Prince of Lotteria - Zorro Edition
The weirdest, best, most meaningless and sarcastically funniest JCL/Zorro/Acknex/Doug/Lottifant/Ackcon Gamestudio game ever made in the universe from the epic AckCon Team. We certainly took the whole "get drunk and make a game" thing to far that weekend this Summer in Bielefeld, but this is THE THING. OMG, how can we make a game any better? And this is also a glorious return of the Warlock.mdl! Or should I say Warghost? Whatever, vote for us if you like Acknex and stupid crazy games featuring JCL and Zorroto! :-D

The barrels and the crates are very nice for testing things, thanks also for the textures, which are nice! I can not imagine a use for the head (it is too cartoony for testing skin shaders and such) and the other stuff. What kind of license are the resources, a “free as beer” license or what? There were also some missing texture references in the MDLs.

Wow, this must be THE Gamestudio game with the best and smoothest HUD animations ever done. Seriously, I was really surprised. I never saw or played your game and what you did – amazing! The Intro was catchy, too, very well made. But, I must say, my yaw dropped when I realized, that this game was just like TETRIS, but in a twisted, sick version from hell. I don’t get it, you put so much effort into this with all these animated characters and those outstanding animations and all, but.. hell.. combining commands with blocks? Sorry, that was a really disappointing game experience and it was so frustrating that I quit the game after the first level. Sorry about that. I really thought that this was something like Lylat Wars in 3D or 2D or so (the graphics style is very similar), but Tetris, oh no (don’t get me wrong, I love Tetris)… I really wish you the best with the game but I must say that someone should have told you that this design decision will suck. Just my two cents.

The Battle for Forgol Demo + Over 100 free models
OMG This is AWESOME. Really. You made a quality game here, which is entertaining, has great graphics and nice sound effects and music. The first part in the house was quiet funny and later, when I found the shield and stepped outside, I was not able to pass the part where the bee is attacking – the platform was too narrow to fight… as soon as the bee hit me, I fell all the time down and after the fourth trial I hadn’t the nerves to pass the 5 or 6 wolves at the beginning. Nevertheless, this is a great great game! The menu interaction is also very nice :-) --- The free models are kick ass, too! Thank you so much for sharing, these are quality models, really really good!

The Tomb Of Lost Game Designs
Respect! It takes some guts to release private game designs to the public. Although, not all of them are appealing to me (I guess we have different tastes in game design), these documents are nice examples for how to write your own document. Even if no one will ever take on your designs and make it reality, I guess some will benefit from those documents because they document quiet detailed how to document ideas in written form. That is very hard and people often struggle with this, so, much kudos to you for sharing your game ideas! By the way, “Elementary School Wars” and “Graviton Master” are those with the most potential in my opinion.

The Tomb Of Lost Game Melodies
Wow, these tracks are GOOD! Really really good stuff. Thank you very much for sharing them, I think they fit right into my Fireflight-concept. Nothing else to say! WOW :-D

Virtual Reality
Obviously you put together MistyMood, ShadeX and some objects from MapBuilder and threw in a rather poor player code (I get stuck everywhere). That’s it? :-/ But compared to the other entries it is still way better than the “playercode” “game”.

Yume Toolkit
I saw your screenshots some time ago and was interested already back then. The example game you delivered with the entry is nice, great visual style! Although I wasn’t able to do much, just running around, talking with the dark person and nothing else happened…? Who is this dummy-model guy in the middle of the map and why can’t I talk to him. You should also try to implement a resolution check before the game starts, because the game resolution was far too high (game started in window mode and I had to switch to fullscreen and press several times F5 to get the right resolution). Nevertheless, this looks really promising and I have the feeling that the editor is powerful, too. I am really looking forward for your finished game with this :-) good work!