Originally Posted By: emo10001
Yeah no kidding. It's a fair question to ask. I've dropped almost $800 in the game engine over the past 6-7 years...since A6. No update for a year is frustrating since we're told "frequent updates". No updates for a year is not frequent.

After a year without any updates, or consistent development on the engine or toolset...I think "is the engine dying?" is a perfectly fine question...especially in the fickle world of 3D game engines.


Originally Posted By: Firoball
Originally Posted By: emo10001
It 3dgamestudio dying?

There it was written again. The engine is dying! Play "Infinite Typing Lottery" to save it! Now.



...How about you stop trying to be clever and ironic...and just answer the question. If you can't, or won't, just don't reply at all.

Maybe someone with some real answers will.


How about learning to use forum search prior to posting?
