First i dont know if you initialized your struct at all.
Second you only made pointer in struct, but you needed pointer array.
Of course you could play around that, but then you always need extra pointer variable which then says "im saving here array" like this:
TEXT** texts = menu.texts;
Third you dont need make new strings for copying chars. That eat ram and you need to remember remove them at end
Ok cant remember more things at moment, but here you are.

This fixed one works good:

#include <acknex.h>

//for new struct allocating
#define new(struktura) sys_malloc(sizeof(struktura))
#define newm(struktura, daudzums) sys_malloc(daudzums*sizeof(struktura))

//testing font
FONT* fonts = "Arial#24b";

typedef struct 
	void* load;
	void* unload;
	TEXT** texts;//this is pointer array
	var text_count;
	PANEL* bg;

Menu* printm_menu;

//menu initialization function
Menu* Menu_inic()
	Menu* lok_menu = new(Menu);
	lok_menu.load = NULL;
	lok_menu.unload = NULL;
	lok_menu.texts = NULL;
	lok_menu.text_count = 0; = NULL;
	return lok_menu;
//menu destructor function
function Menu_del(Menu* menu)
	//if they here custom structs or vars
	if(menu.load != NULL)
	if(menu.unload != NULL)
	//here you remove every menu text
	if(menu.texts != NULL)
		int lok_i;
		for(lok_i = 0; lok_i < menu.text_count; lok_i++)
		//after then remove pointer array
	//and next things
	if( != NULL)
	//text_count removes together with this struct as it is member not pointer
	return NULL;
//Just extra for auto counting texts
function Menu_create_texts(Menu* menu, int count)
	menu.texts = newm(TEXT*, 2);
	menu.text_count = 2;
	int lok_i = 0;
	//this part can be automatized more, 
	//but its just for so or you can take this out somewhere else.
	for(lok_i = 0; lok_i < menu.text_count; lok_i++)
		(menu.texts)[lok_i] = txt_create(1, 8);
		(menu.texts)[lok_i].flags = CENTER_X | CENTER_Y;
		(menu.texts)[lok_i].font = fonts;

//function printm(STRING* msg)
function printm()
	//first you forgot about menu initialization
	printm_menu = Menu_inic();
	//What is this???
	//TEXT* msg_txt[2];//=txt_create(msg,6);
	//then you made your 2 text pointers
	Menu_create_texts(printm_menu, 2);
	//Your string values for texts
	str_cpy(((printm_menu.texts)[0].pstring)[0], "test");
	str_cpy(((printm_menu.texts)[1].pstring)[0], "OK");

	//your positioning
	(printm_menu.texts)[0].pos_x = screen_size.x / 2;
	//*(desktop_size_x/1024));   //positioning
	(printm_menu.texts)[0].pos_y =  50;
	(printm_menu.texts)[1].pos_x = screen_size.x / 2;
	(printm_menu.texts)[1].pos_y = 100;
	//set them both visible
	//dont know anything about yur bg
	//and when you dont need your menu anymore delete it
	while(key_space == 0){wait(1);}

function main()
	//Why you need this know only you

Arrovs once will publish game