Originally Posted By: JustSid
Looking back, I'd say the biggest mistake JCL made was the Compiler. Just look around, it only supports a very limited subset of the C standard and has a tremendous amount of bugs that will probably never see any kind of fixing. And it doesn't optimize anything.

At the very least it's still possible to write games with gamestudio using the SDK, so you can bypass Lite-C completely.

Considering what Gamestudio was designed to be (an easy-to-use, script-based game engine) Lite-C probably seemed like a wonderful development to many users at the time, since WDL was (for all intents and purposes) even worse. WDL was interpreted, lacking tons of features, buggy, etc. But "fixing" that by inventing Lite-C was not the way to go, and just highlighted the fundamental flaw involved with trying to make your engine script-based in the first place. It's intuitive, yes, but things produced with Lite-C simply can't compete with anything produced by a real compiler. That said, if you're using Lite-C simply because you don't understand how to write your game any way else, perhaps you're better off actually taking the time to learn C++ before you try programming any more games. Lite-C and other languages like it are not substitutes for real programming languages.

Again, the fact that you can use the Gamestudio SDK to produce games without touching Lite-C at all is a saving grace in some respects, but as you mentioned inventing Lite-C in the first place was a misstep that introduced a lot of bloat and cruft to the Gamestudio codebase, and that alone is enough to conclude that it wasn't worth implementing in the first place.

Originally Posted By: EpisloN
Dont worry, I was never in the spotlight, you cant possibly remember me.

Perhaps you would be easier to remember if you had a picture under your name. People recognize pictures, not names. Which is why I inexplicably changed mine after I reappeared a week ago.

Last edited by Redeemer; 09/21/13 18:34.

Eats commas for breakfast.

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