Originally Posted By: the_clown
trying to attract AAA developers would be a lost cause anyways. AAA studios either own expensive engine licenses (for real AAA engines, be it Source, Unreal or whatever) or in-house technology, it has always been this way and always will be.
Where gamestudio should have its focus, as all packages in these price regions should, is the indie- and hobby community

In case you misunderstood what I propose, I completely agree with this, a promo game should be aimed at indie studios.
I just say it should be done with "AAA" title (by AAA I mean a title with top-notch graphics[models and anim I mean] and very 'fluid' and smooth game-play with a very interesting story, a title worth its dev money) It should be done with an "AAA" title to attract more indie devs, not AAA studios, because Imho such a title can impress and attract more indie devs compared to some simple tech demo. AAA studios can make their own engies laugh they dont need 3DGS, but an indie dev can easily be more impressed with such a title, than with a tech demo or something else Unity and the other packets do or promote.

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