hi epsilon; tks for help me.
i´d tried with some codes like your code of your up post , and others using vec to screen and others codes using rel_to_screen but i have not the result i´m looking for.
wath i want is to move a coltshell mdl in the screen monitor using xyz position relative to the view, and not to the world.
i found a solution using 5 different entities (ENTITY*a)and in the player code this. if mouse left ....b=ent_create_layer(...), a=ent_create_layer(.....) and then animate a.pan +=1 ...; and re use this entities coltshell .
any other way more easy to Make This and not Declarate five different entities?.

tks for your atention

Last edited by GaniX; 10/03/13 18:35.