You seem to have a strong and clear vision for what you are creating. Kudos.

I am excited about the idea of simplifying the creation process to just dropping edge code into a template. I am not so naive as to think it will be that easy, but it is a nice goal to have.

I envisage this project having iterative phases. In the first phase we get everyone comfortable with a bot code. Next we work collaboratively to stuff it with, say, 10 or 20 tradable algos. People can then start live testing and trading and generate some money. Then in the next phase we review the bot code possibly to improve, possibly to meet different objectives. Then stuff the new bot with 10 or 20 algos. Rinse and repeat.

If someone doesn't feel comfortable trading with a particular algo, they remove it or switch it off.

So I guess I am saying take your time to get your bot code the way you want it. Then the group will do a review. After people have worked with it for a few months I am sure they will want to make changes, which we'll do all at once in the next phase.

If the bot code is not suitable for a project like this, or too many people don't believe they can work with it, then I don't think my suggested collaboration model will with a more opened ended coding style. It would just be a 'swap meet' which is effectively what the forum is at the moment.