I started to mess again with Blender and A8 and try to make some simple models to start with, just a simple object almost a cube with an UV texture that I mapped with a .DDS in Blender.

Now the funny begins when trying to export it and import it with MED and get something that works. I spent this day to try different export settings with .3ds and .obj and never succeeded (.fbx I understand is obsolete and you would anyhow need to use yet another middle tool to version change current .fbx export to one that old MED understand). Sometimes using "same" settings in Blender but get different result in MDL when imported?!

I got it to work once a time with 2.49b and MDL7 exporter by Ventilator. But the latest Blender releases has lot of nice bells and whistles so I would like not to go back.

So the question, anyone has a workflow to use the latest Blender to get models with MED into A8 game?

Whoever has the gold makes the rules.