I simply added the effect directly to the mat_grain material. My video card is a GeForce FX 5200.


material mat_grain
ambient_blue = 255;
ambient_green = 255;
ambient_red = 255;

diffuse_red = 255;
diffuse_green = 255;
diffuse_blue = 255;

specular_blue = 255;
specular_green = 255;
specular_red = 255;

emissive_blue = 255;
emissive_green = 255;
emissive_red = 255;

albedo = 200;
power = 100;

event = mat_effUVinit;
effect = "
matrix matMtl;

technique effUVspeed
pass one
TextureTransformFlags[0] = Count2;
TextureTransform[0] = <matMtl>;
technique fallback { pass one { } }

Here's a screenshot using the .u and .v. You may not even be able to tell, but it's very noticeable during gameplay. The transparent vertical streaks are rain drops:


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