Hello everyone,

i have a strange problem and i don't know what to do.
If you look on YouTube the videos of R-Type longplay, than you see, that the Level moves from right to left. Sometimes it move up or down. The Player can move his ship in every direction and can fire.

The ship itself is not the problem. I have the problem, that i cant get to work, that the level moves and the player can move his ship like that R-Type ship.

I've tryed to move the levelentitys, but if you collide with it, then it stops and the parts that don't get hit by your ship moves without the other parts (modular levelbuild).
Otherwise, if i move the ship with a constant value on the x axis, then the collissiondetection don't work properly.

Can someone give me a hint how i can realise that movement of level (models) and the camera and the ship.


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