I think the trouble with the menu system is caused by not understanding that you need to press e to bring it up, then press space to select items or equip weapons. I read that I need to press the use key so I kept pressing e not knowing I needed to press space. Otherwise you have done a great job witht the menu system, it must have been hard to get it to rotate like that. And selecting weapons is pretty cool, the way they rotate but you have used 3d objects, that must have been hard as well.

Blending the animations would make it look better, though it looks good the way it is. The camera is difficult to use in that you cannot see ahead of where you are running. I fell off the cliffs blindly because I didn't see them coming up. Perhaps you could make the camera tilt higher when the player runs up (ie W key) and make it tilt lower when the player moves down (ie S key).

The camera got annoying fighting that skeleton boss, when the player went behind the wall I couldn't see what was going on. Perhaps you would use a trace between the player and the camera, if the trace hits, have the camera move smoothly to a direct overhead view. The music was good, but I don't think it suited the game, it suited a Sonic Action type game more. Though if you had a futuristic type level I think it would work there.

I also thought that the night was too dark, I had trouble determining where I was and found it hard to see enemies, perhaps make it a bit brighter, have a dynamic light around the player, or give the player a torch as an item to equip. Going inside the buildings was good, though at night I think you should have some lights inside the buildings, as it was also hard to see things.

Great work! This game reminds me of Secret of Mana. The menu particularly caught my attention as I know how hard it can be to code menus, it is excellent. I also liked the shader on the water.