Originally Posted By: JustSid
Originally Posted By: Ch40zzC0d3r
a SQL injection cant be done through a php file if you just know a little bit what you're doing

You know, that's a cute statement if you know that code like this exist outside. Not SQLi enough? Try this.

The point I'm trying to make is that PHP is a garbage piece of shit of a language.

Haha what the fuck. I mean, sure, you're right, but it's not the language's task to secure its own applications from 14 year old autodidact wannabe coders.
Yes, the naming convention among other features is horribly inconsistent, but honestly, I'm glad there is PHP because it does the job.
We all know PHP could be way better. No need to circlejerk about it, unless you want to sound pretentious. Afterall, it's not about the size of your tool, it's about how you use it laugh