Hello everyone!

It's been a (long) while since I've posted on these forums, I'm sure the crowd and faces have since changed! I used to be an avid A6/A7 hobby game developer. I eventually found myself lost in the software world where now I work in cloud development.

Part of me always has been itching to come back, though, so apart from this being the first of many (yay) I've been thinking about whether I can bring a particular thing to the community.

Would people find a service (library, package) where they can integrate an online "server list" into their game useful? Of course, a simple version can be done with MySQL and PHP, but developing a game is hard enough - you should not have to worry about database replication, failover, PHP security, learning SQL, etc. This service could integrate very easily, support custom data, geographic specific lists, fail-over, etc.

When I was active, I remember there was no rock solid, third party solution to aid in this. Would it be of value? Is a hosted solution - where hosting is taken care of - with "native" Lite-C integration - something people would use? Would people pay a subscription to integrate it? What about a service that delivered game content (assets) securely over the internet?

Let me know what you think! Perhaps my dive into the software would has done more than make me taste the gaming world again, but might have indeed helped!


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