Originally Posted By: Ch40zzC0d3r
Furthermore, this package has to handle all this stuff on one server, I dont think someone will pay someone else's server laugh

Check out SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, etc. It's a billion dollar industry. Managing a server is not trivial, especially if you want to do it securely, which can scale, etc.

Originally Posted By: Ch40zzC0d3r

Download ANet, there is everything you need, you just have to c&p the php files on your server and change some settings.
Also your "live" playercount can also be done with SQL, mine has got just maximal 2 seconds delay and works very well. If a server crashes you can remove the server from the list with timestapm, which is also already done by the ANet author laugh

I wouldn't suggest doing a counter using SQL; I'd expect once you get a few listings, you'll be unnecessarily causing row locks on your table. Writes are expensive. Use a cache like Memcached or Redis.

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