Hi Frank_G!

First of all: You have to pick up a weapon, otherwise there will be no weapon ring!
The first one lies beside you and the others are on the table at the wooden stairs.

But as I see, you figured out how to fight them well!

The NPC thing:
I'm short of models. You have to look for moedls having the shape "NPC" read from the top to the bottom.
The first one is outside the fisher's house northeast from the starting point.
(he'll tell you where to go next)

Night already was menitoned, I'll fix...

This morning I found out some little bugs:
Empty pointer when wealding a shield and switching to the bow. (silly me, was a stupit mistake)
Empty pointer when wering bow or claw and entering the status menu. (didn't watched closely after the last changes)
And the background in satus and skill menus is totally black but should only be darkened, I hadn't set back the alpha to 50% after the splashscreen.

My project Schlacht um Kyoto - Das Samurai Browsergame! (sorry, german only)