So that's the point with the menu, the people want simple 0-8-15 drag 'n drop menus!

I don't know if you can speak of outdated for a menu, Tomb Raider had such a menu, too (but I don't know how it was controlled I have to admit).

So if that's the point I have to tell you guys that this won't be changed, it belongs to the classical/ retro style of the game, as the name input does and as the ISO-view or the controls do.

This is the overall design pattern of Dragonrise.

I love thos old games, they were fun to play, much more as all the crap today, that's why I even stick to those design techniques, I'm sorry for all of you who have missed those times!

btw. I'll look for the rose when I got time!

My project Schlacht um Kyoto - Das Samurai Browsergame! (sorry, german only)