Hello EX Citer, thanks for your comment.

Where is the black Terrain, in the last or the new demo? (maybe it makes no difference because I doubt I could do something against it... )

In general to the bear hunting sceene:

1. The sceene is _not_ intended to be easy.
2. You do _not_ have to kill the bear.
3. The bear _can_ be killed at the first try.
4. Thus to point 3 the sceene is there to _teach_ you how the battle system works, too.

To the weapon selection since everyone asks it over and over again:

- The ring menue functionality is shown at game start, there you can see that you have to go up/ down 2/ 3 times from the status ring to reach the weapon ring.
- In the weapon ring there is a description how to equip you weapon (press the action key twice)
- Thus when you open the ring menue to the status ring you equip the sword by pressing [up], [up], [action], [action]

To the ship/ story part:

Maybe the first demo made Dragonrise look like a hack'n'slay-game, but that's not my intention. I don't want to create a game like Diablo where you log in and start to smash enemies. I like it to be more like Final Fantasy, thus there will be much more story parts which keep up the game.

I'll think about your idea with the equipment cheat.

I hope this cleared up a bit?

My project Schlacht um Kyoto - Das Samurai Browsergame! (sorry, german only)