For a project I'm working on I need a program that runs on a secondary monitor. This has to be possible under the following conditions:

-The engine runs in fullscreen mode. This is required so that VSync is used, which is of highest importance to the program.
-The engine must be able to play sounds reliably.
-The program must continue working even if it is no longer in focus.

The problems I have are that when the engine loses focus (when I try to switch to another window):
-The engine is instantly minimized, and only becomes visible again when it regains focus.
-The snd_play functions do not play a sound when the engine is not in focus.

I have tried the following to work around these issues:
-I have tried fake fullscreens (setting an engine window without border to the same size as the monitor), but according to several sources, it is impossible to make a window mode application use VSync (I absolutely need VSync for this program).
-I have tried switching to the media_play functions, which are not suitable for this project. They appear to cut out a short bit of audio at the beginning of a sound - my sounds are only a fraction of a second long, and so it is possible (and this has happened!) that the whole sound is skipped.

Are there any possible workarounds to these problems that I may have missed?
Is it possible to trick the engine into 'thinking' it is in focus?