I'm using the AUM RPG and I get a frustrating error every time I try and use the mace. I know where the error is but can't seem to fix it. It's the E1513 error. Any ideas?

function fire_init_startup()
VECTOR temp, fire_coords;
var fire_playing, i;
while (!player) {wait (1);}
while (1)
t_mace = ptr_for_handle(mace_handle);
if ((t_mace != NULL) && (player.life > 0) && (mouse_mode == 0))
SND_CREATE_STATIC(fire_sound_effect, trpg_fire_wav);
while (mouse_left) // this loop will run for as long as the player is alive
// only generate fire while the player is standing still
if((key_pressed(key_for_str(key_forward))) + (key_pressed(key_for_str(key_backward))) + (key_pressed(key_for_str(key_left))) + (key_pressed(key_for_str(key_right))) == 0)
vec_for_vertex (temp, t_mace, trpg_staff_fire_effect_vertex); // get the origin of the fire vector - it's the 44th mace vertex
for (i = 0; i <= trpg_staff_fire_effect_length; i += trpg_staff_fire_effect_offset) // create a mace fire source every 10 quants (for a total of 100 fire sources)
vec_set (fire_coords.x, vector(i, 0, 0));
vec_rotate (fire_coords, camera.pan); // allow the player to fire at will, at any angle, regardless of player's model (fixed) tilt angle
vec_add (fire_coords, temp.x);
effect(fire_effect, trpg_staff_fire_particles_per_frame, fire_coords.x, nullvector);
c_trace (temp.x, fire_coords.x, IGNORE_ME | IGNORE_FLAG2 | ACTIVATE_SHOOT); // trace along the fire line
if (!snd_playing(fire_playing))
fire_playing = snd_play(fire_sound_effect, trpg_staff_fire_sound_volume, 0);
if (player.life <= 0) // the player has died while firing?
break; // then get out of this loop
wait (1);
wait (1);